年度 |
參考文獻格式 |
2019 |
Lu, Wen-Hui(20190401~20190403), The Differences in Learning Attitudes among Students of Different Experiences in Studying Abroad, International Symposium on Education and Psychology. |
2017 |
Lu, Wen-Hui(20170822~20170825), The Effects of Teachers' Encouragements in Mathematics Remedial Class for 8th­ grade Low Achievers, The European Conference on Educational Research. |
2016 |
施文芳; 呂文惠(20160618~20160618),大陸研修生與臺灣學生學習風格差異性之探討~以一所科技大學為例,第34屆課程與教學論壇暨靜宜大學教育研究所「偏鄉教育發展與創新」學術研討會。 |
2016 |
陳麗月;呂文惠(20160618~20160618),多元入學管道之大學生與學習動機差異之探討,第34屆課程與教學論壇暨靜宜大學教育研究所「偏鄉教育發展與創新」學術研討會。 |
2015 |
Lu, Wen-Hui(20150908~20150911), Good Teacher or Bad Teacher? Does Styles Matter?, The European Conference of Educational Research. |
2014 |
Lu, Wen-Hui(20140402~20140405), The Effects of the Awareness of Personal Learning styles on Learning Achievements, 2014 International Symposium on Education and Psychology. |
2014 |
Lu, Wen-Hui(20140902~20140905), A Study of the Effects of Applying Cooperative Learning into Statistics Instructions for College Students of Different Personality Traits, European Conference for Educational Research. |
2012 |
呂文惠(20120610~20120611),大學教學優良教師與一般教師教學風格差異之探究,「教育研究發展趨勢~議題、研究法與出版」全國學術研討會論文集(頁16~37)。 |
2012 |
Lu, Wen-Hui(20120918~20120921), How Students' Factors and Teachers' Factors Relate to the Results of Student Evaluation of Teaching, European Conference of Education. |
2011 |
Lu, Wen-Hui(20110912~20110916), Learning Styles, Applications of Learning Strategies, and Academic Achievements of College Students, European Conference of Educational Research. |
2010 |
Lu, Wen-Hui(20100910~20100914), Factors contributing to the learning achievement of college students, Educational Improvement in Europe and other Contexts: from Theory to Practice(p.p216~241). |
2010 |
Lu, Wen-Hui*, Chuang, Chiung-Hui Chuang(20100825~20100827), Factors Contributing the Learning Achievement of College Students, European Conference of Education Research. |
2010 |
Lu, Wen-Hui*, Lin, Ming-Chun(20100825~20100827), How Students Learn, How They Feel About Learning, And How Well They Learn?, European Conferences of Educational Research. |
2009 |
Lu, Wen-Hui(20090104~20090107), The Contributions of the Non-teaching Quality Factors to Students’ Evaluation of Teaching, Hawaii International Conference on Education. |
2009 |
Lu, Wen-Hui, Lu, Wen-Chi(20090928~20090930), Exploring the contributions of personal factors and environmental factors to mathematics learning achievements, European Conference on Educational Research. |
2008 |
呂文惠(20080616~20080616),從教學評量到教學知能提升~靜宜大學的經驗,96年度“獎勵大學教學卓越計畫”教學研討會。 |
2006 |
Lu, Wen-Hui(20060913~20060916), The Effects of Self-Paced Dynamic Assessment on Solving Mathematics Word Problems, European Conference for Educational Research. |
2005 |
Lu, Wen-Hui, Lin, Chu-Hung, Lu, Wen-Chi(20050907~20050910), The Long-term Effects of Using Dynamic Assessments as Remediation Models for Mathematics Low Achievers, The European Conference on Educational Research. |
2004 |
呂文惠(200411~200411),動態評量於國小數學學習困難學童補救教學模式之應用,國科會科教處九十二年度數學教育專題研究計畫成果討論會。 |
2004 |
Lu, W. H., Lin, J. H., Lu, W. C.(200409~200409), The Effects of Dynamic Assessments on Children with Mathematics Learning Difficulties, The European Conference on Educational Research. |
2003 |
Lu, W. H.(200309~200309), Relationship between Cognitive Styles and Mathematics Achievement for Elementary School Children, The European Conference on Educational Research. |
2002 |
Lu, W. H.(200209~200209), Cognitive Profiles of Elementary School Children with Mathematics Learning Difficulties, The European Conference on Educational Research. |
2001 |
呂文惠(200106~200106),提升教育實習品質與績效之策略與方法,八十九學年度新制教育實習輔導研究發展與工作研討會。 |
2001 |
呂文惠(200106~200106),國小數學學習困難學童認知能力分析,2001年數學學習障礙研討會。 |
2000 |
呂文惠(200009~200009),學習領域導向課程討論,八十八學年度「師資培育機構教育學程業務研討會」。 |
1998 |
呂文惠(199801~),閱讀障礙學生學習特質及教學方式,中部地區國小教師「兒童行為輔導」研討會專題演講。 |
1997 |
呂文惠(199701~),教育研究與實務應用~以閱讀研究為例,中部地區中小學教師「師資培育多元化之理想與實際」論文研討會專題演講。 |
1996 |
Lu, Wen-Hui, Jackson, N.(199604~), Cognitive Profiles of Chinese Poor Readers, the third Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Study of Reading. |
1993 |
Jackson, N. E., Ju, D., Lu, W. H., Reitz, E.(199304~), Chinese Readers of English: Orthographic and Phonological Processing, Word Identification, and Exposure to Print, the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. |
1993 |
Colangelo, N., Assouline, S., McNabb, T., Lu, W. H.(199305~), Using Explore as an Out-of-Level Instrument in the Search for Elementary Student Talent, the Henry B. and Jocelyn Wallace National Research Symposium. |
1993 |
Lu, W. H., Jackson, N.(199304~), Children’s Developing Metalinguistic Awareness of Properties of Chinese Characters, Biennial Meeting of Society of Research for Child Developing. |
Lu, Wen-Hui,Shu, Shiu-Fang,Ya-Ching Chang, The Effects of Peer-coaching on College Students' Feeling of Self-efficacy with Mathematics-related Subjects, European Conference for Educational Research. |